Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Idle Air Control (IAC) Valve - Cobra
Removal and Installation
1. Disconnect the idle air control (IAC) valve electrical connector.
2. Remove the bolts, the IAC valve and the gasket.
3. NOTE: Install a new gasket if necessary.
To install, reverse the removal procedure.
Idle Air Control (IAC) Valve - 4.6L (2V)
Removal 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. For additional information, refer to Section. 2. NOTE: Discard the idle air control (IAC) valve gasket. Remove the IAC valve. Disconnect ...Idle Air Control (IAC) Valve - Mach I
Removal and Installation 1. Remove the air intake scoop. For additional information, refer to Section. 2. Disconnect the idle air control (IAC) valve electrical connector. 3. Remove the bolt ...Other materials:
Lower Arm
CAUTION: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect
performance of vital
components and systems and their failure can result in major service expense. A
new part with
the same part number must be installed if installation becomes nec ...
Bypass Tube - Mach I
Motorcraft Premium Gold
Engine Coolant
VC-7-A (in Oregon VC-7-B)
(yellow color)
Removal and Installation
1. Remove the air intake scoop and bracket. For additional information, refer
to Sec ...
A/C Compressor Pressure Relief Valve
An A/C compressor pressure relief valve is incorporated into the compressor
A/C manifold and tube to:
relieve unusually high refrigerant system discharge pressure buildups.
For specifications
regarding operating pressure(s), refer to Section.
prevent ...