Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Removal

CAUTION: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect performance of vital components and systems and their failure can result in major service expense. A new part with the same part number must be installed if installation becomes necessary. If substitution is necessary, the part must be of the same finish and property class. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.

1. Mark the rear shock absorber (18125) relative to the protective sleeve with the vehicle in a static, level ground position (curb height).

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

2. Raise the vehicle on a hoist. 3. Remove the wheel and tire assembly. 4. Remove and discard the rear hub retainer (4B477).

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

5. Disconnect the parking brake cable and conduit from the parking brake lever.

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

6. Remove the clip and disconnect the parking brake cable and conduit from the rear brake caliper.

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

7. Disconnect the parking brake cable and conduit from the knuckle (5A968/5A969).

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

8. Remove the rear brake disc.

9. Support the lower suspension arm and bushing (5A649) with a jack stand.

10. Remove the nut and bolt and disconnect the shock absorber (18125) from the lower suspension arm and bushing. Discard the nut and bolt.

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

11. Remove and discard the cotter pin and nut.

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

12. CAUTION: Do not strike the toe link or the knuckle to disconnect the toe link. The toe link or the knuckle can be damaged.

Using the special tool, disconnect the toe link (5K899) from the knuckle.

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

13. Mark the cam bolt position relative to the upper suspension arm and bushing (5500).

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

14. NOTE: Mark a new cam bolt in the same position as the old one for assembly reference before discarding the old bolt.

Disconnect the upper suspension arm and bushing from the knuckle.

1. Remove and discard the nut and bolt.

2. Disconnect the arm and bushing from the knuckle.

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

15. Using the special tool, press the axle shaft from the hub (1109).

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

16. Remove the knuckle from the lower arm and bushing.

1. Remove and discard the nut and bolt.

2. Remove the knuckle.

Wheel Knuckle - Cobra

17. Remove the dust shield, hub, snap ring and bearing from the knuckle. For additional information, refer to Wheel Hub-Cobra in this section.

    Wheel Knuckle - Cobra
    Special Tool(s) Front Hub Remover 205-D070 (D93P-1175-B) or Equivalent Steering Arm Remover 211-003 (T64P-9171-A) ...

    1. Install the bearing, snap ring, hub and dust shield. For additional information, refer to Wheel Hub-Cobra in this section. 2. Install the knuckle. 1. Position the knuckle on the lower suspensio ...

    Other materials:

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