Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Automatic Transmission

1. CAUTION: The actuator adjustment tool included with the replacement actuator kit must be used when installing the supercharger bypass vacuum actuator. Failure to correctly adjust the actu ...

Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
General Specifications a - MERCON V is not interchangeable at this time with the current MERCON fluids. Check the transmission fluid level indicator to determine the correct fluid and refer to the ...

Other materials:

1. Inspect the clutch cylinder thrust surfaces, piston bore and clutch plate serrations for scores or burrs. Minor scores or burrs may be removed with crocus cloth. Install a new clutch cylinder if badly scored or damaged. 2. Check the fluid passage in the ...

EGR System Components
  The EGR system returns a portion of the exhaust gas to the intake manifold to reduce the combustion temperature. This results in lower nitrous oxide formation. The powertrain control module (PCM) controls the EGR vacuum regulator solenoid . The EG ...

Exhaust System Neutralizing
WARNING: Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, which is harmful to health and potentially lethal. Repair exhaust system leaks immediately. Never operate the engine in an enclosed area. WARNING: Exhaust system components are hot. NOTE: Neutralize the exhau ...