Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Convertible Top Material
1. Overlay the new rear window glass assembly over the old rear
window glass assembly and
transpose the markings with a grease pencil.
2. Center the V-notch on the new rear window glass assemb ...
1. Remove the rear exterior trim mouldings.
2. Remove the clips
3. Remove the 13 Torx screws and the seal compression panel.
4. Remove the staples.
5. Remove the staples from the number one b ...
Other materials:
Powertrain/Drivetrain Mount Neutralizing
WARNING: The electrical power to the air suspension system must be shut
off prior to
hoisting, jacking or towing an air suspension vehicle. This can be accomplished
by turning off
the air suspension switch. Failure to do so can result in unexpected inflation ...
Manual Transmission
The T56 six-speed manual transmission features the following:
six forward speeds and one reverse speed.
forward gears are synchronized and helical cut.
a reverse gear operates through a constant-mesh, fully synchronized
a shift interlock system ...
A/C Compressor Pressure Relief Valve
An A/C compressor pressure relief valve is incorporated into the compressor
A/C manifold and tube to:
relieve unusually high refrigerant system discharge pressure buildups.
For specifications
regarding operating pressure(s), refer to Section.
prevent ...