Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Supercharger Cooling (Diagnosis and Testing)

Special Tool(s)

Pressure Test Kit 014-R1072 or equivalent

Battery/Antifreeze Tester 014-R1060 or equivalent


Item Specification
Motorcraft Premium Engine Coolant VC-4-A (in Oregon VC-5, in Canada CXC-10) ESE-M97B44-A
Motorcraft Premium Gold Engine Coolant VC-7-A WSS-M97B51-A1
Motorcraft Cooling System Stop Leak Pellets VC-6 or equivalent ESE-M99B37-5 except as noted in ES-F65E-19A511- AA
Supercharger Cooling (Description and Operation)
CAUTION: Some vehicle cooling systems are filled with Motorcraft Premium Engine Coolant VC-4-A (in Oregon VC-5, in Canada CXC-10) or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESE-M97B44-A (green color). ...

Inspection and Verification
WARNING: Never remove the pressure relief cap while the engine is operating or when the cooling system is hot. Failure to follow these instructions can result in damage to the cooling system or engi ...

Other materials:

Electronic Engine Controls (Description and Operation)
The electronic engine controls consist of the following: powertrain control module (PCM) throttle position (TP) sensor idle air control (IAC) valve engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor cylinder head temperature sensor camshaft position ...

1. Install the bearing, snap ring, hub and dust shield. For additional information, refer to Wheel Hub-Cobra in this section. 2. Install the knuckle. 1. Position the knuckle on the lower suspension arm and bushing. 2. Install a new bolt and a new nut. Do ...

Inflating your tires
Safe operation of your vehicle requires that your tires are properly inflated. Remember that a tire can lose up to half of its air pressure without appearing flat. Every day before you drive, check your tires. If one looks lower than the others, use a tire ga ...